Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fa-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la

Ahhh, the windows are open, the air is crisp (by Florida standards), hot tea in hand, and all of the family is leisurely enjoying each other's Christmas joy and cheer...

I could go on, and get über nostalgic because I am very good at that sort of thing, but I won't because I think a better description of the Anderson family Christmas is this:

Last-minute Christmas shopping wrapping-- oh dear! I didn't get them a present dang it how many days how many hours how many minutes and seconds CRUISE oh no I can't wait ohthankgoodness it's just us and yes we miss you but no we don't need you to come and make it anything like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and well no our family's not THAT dysfunctional but just in case because I don't want our tree to burn down or get any cats electrocuted or anything horrific of that sort---

Please enjoy these wacky gift ideas that Dad, Meredith and myself would very much desire while I continue this illegible babbling in the inner crevices of my over-schooled brain!

(Take notes.)

 If you know about my obsession with the 80s, you would understand. Of course, if I had this, I couldn't be a covert texter. And that, dear parents and teachers, is exactly why I need this 80s-tastic cellular telephone case.

 Dad says this might cure my Longshowertosis. I just think it's nifty and won't make as much noise as the kitchen timer.

 This simply doesn't need an explanation.

 "Ferris Bueller, you're my hero."
Amen, Cameron, amen.

 Coasters are so boring, but these. Holy moly it's toast.

 I might complain less about flossing. And Meredith might actually floss.

 Dying of laughter a little bit on the inside

 It's an inflatable dinosaur! This would look fabulous next to the flying pig in our front yard.

 You know, this would be such an eco-friendly gift, I would totally turn my lights off all the time! And it's a dimmer! Come on, who doesn't want a big red panic button?

I love socks! I love these socks! The person who designed these deserves a prize.

 Hehehe... Crab hat.

Save a Walrus today and adopt! You won't regret it!
That's 88 big ones to a good cause!

Merry Christmas, everyone!


  1. All pics except for the last two from Urban Outfitters:
