Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dinner with the AnderBurgs

(Trumpet fanfare)


On the fine "winter" day of the 28th of December, a Friday, the clan hath been reunited. 
They fought their way through the blistering Oklahoma cold, tamed a wretched plane ride through cloudy skies, strangers' snoring, and lack of a personal bubble, survived the fiery abyss of Atlanta airport (!!!), and gallantly flung themselves into the arms of the wack-jobs they gladly-- gladly?-- call friends.

So far so good-- no injuries, all eyes remain in their sockets, no one's lost anything (yet), no arrests, no calls from angry neighbors. I would conclude then, that yes! All is dandy and fun!

But then again, we haven't boarded the big boat yet. And that's when you would hear about it. But you won't. Because there is no Wifi on the big boat. No blogging on the big boat.

You will never know what happened on the big boat.

And it is probably better that way.

So for now, please bathe in the bright beams of our absolute adorable-ness!

Cruise Countdown: approximately 14 hours.

Bon voyage, landlubbers!!! 

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