Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dinner with the Turkkis

Though ordering pizza is not unsuitable for any Anderson Friday-night jamboree, I ventured out of the house for once to experience dinner with a family not of my own, one that doesn't put their pajamas on before 8 pm...

And so it was to be, dinner with la familia del Rolling Resistor!

"Haha!" they teased. I was bombarded. It was likely to be an only slightly milder rendition of Meet the Parents! But I assured them that no, Mom and Dad, they cannot be more terrifying than you.

Dad and I did not get lost! Okay, yes we did, but only early on, and you can barely call it getting lost. I promise.The short car-ride was non-scarring, mostly harmless, and I got to sit in the front seat. Fortunately. No lectures, no threats, just Lady Gaga blasting through the speakers and our discussions about how P!nk's break-up music sure beats that of Taylor Swift, the history of Elvis, and how I learned to fold epic, universe-speaking paper cranes out of Walt Whitman poems in English class.

It's always ever-so-fascinating to experience the dinnertime phenomena of other families. We feasted on some scrumptious sliders, mashed potatoes, and baked beans, and I got to indulge in this Swedish mustard that puts all other kinds of mustard to absolute shame. Apparently you can only get it in Sweden?? My family doesn't have cool mustard!!!
I suppose that's the other perk to eating at someone else's house- they always seem to have cooler foodstuffs, and in this case, cooler mustard.

Of course, pre-Swedish mustard, the Rolling Resistor and his two adorable siblings and myself challenged each other to a great game of monopoly. And guess what? They play monopoly more epic-ly, too. Who would've thought that one could be so serious about board-game real estate!

Post-mustard, I jammed out for the first time on Just Dance on Xbox Kinect, which I'm telling you is like the future (and almost as cool as the mustard). But mid-Party Rock Anthem we experienced an injury due to the large, clumsy left feet of Mr. Sasquatch over there, and little Henrik had to be airlifted from the dance floor. One more song and a dozen wacky dance moves later, we were conked out on the couch and chose to enlighten ourselves with some television. I've never seen it before, but Duck Dynasty is my new favorite. Holy cow. The beards and the camouflage and the squirrels completely make the show.

There was some really yummy strawberry shortcake somewhere in there, but soon enough, it was time for Anderson #3 to return to the Anderson HQ.

And if you were worried about any funny business occurring, I assure you, do not worry-- I was chauffeured home in a shiny, sleek minivan by the wonderful Turkki ladies, mom and sis, while in the backseat Bigfoot and I watched YouTube videos about how to be a ninja.

And back to the Andersons I went, realizing that well, we're all delightfully a little quirky and dysfunctional. Thank God for families!

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