Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Variable C Strikes Again!

(Viewer discretion is advised)

Halloween definitely has to be one of the best holidays for lawn decor. Dry ice, coffins, cobwebs, strobe lights, and all things motion activated (or very alive, depending on your point of view). Some enthusiastically festive people dress up like zombies and chase poor kids around with fake chainsaws. Others, like the Andersons, resurrect their nice-smelling pumpkin candles, buy some cheap candy, and admire our neighbors' menagerie of eerie ornamentation.
And then there's these kind of people...

And I'm sure you all are searching for words to explain this extravaganza, so I'll go ahead and put the words in your mouth--
This is yet another perfect exhibition of the variable c as it is found in the natural world! 
These people know how to embrace the variable c! They flaunt their crazyfreakingawesomeness!

So, that being said:
Live up to the c, have a c-ful Halloween, and most importantly,

Keep those pumpkins covered- 'cause it's gonna be a full moon!


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