Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Variable C Strikes Again!

(Viewer discretion is advised)

Halloween definitely has to be one of the best holidays for lawn decor. Dry ice, coffins, cobwebs, strobe lights, and all things motion activated (or very alive, depending on your point of view). Some enthusiastically festive people dress up like zombies and chase poor kids around with fake chainsaws. Others, like the Andersons, resurrect their nice-smelling pumpkin candles, buy some cheap candy, and admire our neighbors' menagerie of eerie ornamentation.
And then there's these kind of people...

And I'm sure you all are searching for words to explain this extravaganza, so I'll go ahead and put the words in your mouth--
This is yet another perfect exhibition of the variable c as it is found in the natural world! 
These people know how to embrace the variable c! They flaunt their crazyfreakingawesomeness!

So, that being said:
Live up to the c, have a c-ful Halloween, and most importantly,

Keep those pumpkins covered- 'cause it's gonna be a full moon!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Weekly Enlightenment

This week's Enlightenment brought to you by:
 Mama Anderson

***(A popular direction of dinner table discussion is each day's spontaneous and incredible meal served by the wonderful cooks of the Oxbridge Academy)

Friday night, I found myself explaining to my table members the dreadfully difficult decision I had to make pertaining to which line to stand in at lunch time: the pizza line, where the edible prize awaited beyond the perpetual horizon of ravenous and raging teenagers? Or the seemingly nonexistent wait to vote for sophomore class officers?

And since I can barely tolerate my own hormones,  I went the lesser of maddening routes.

Therefore, I sat down at the lunch table sans pizza and sadly, sans "I voted" sticker, and rather with a cup of soup and a mountain of broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus, and a certain pride one obtains when one is courageous and mature enough to, in the presence of peers, down such green and healthful foodstuffs.

This whole story was my excuse for scarfing down a couple servings of pot roast, corn, and mashed potatoes that evening, but rather than act as my alibi for such hunger, it presented the cook of the house an opportunity to share with us her wisdom and enlighten our minds with valuable information that will surely be of benefit to us in the future...

So she whips out her iPad and reads to us the description of the cruciferous vegetables, a group of veggies that contain many vitamins, minerals, and cancer-preventative properties, and most importantly,  the sugar raffinose, which induces flatulence, apparently... 

Broccoli and cauliflower are cruciferous vegetables.

Meredith pipes in to tell us that asparagus makes your----

Dad: "Well, you know, not everyone can smell it-"

Me: "Geez you guys i get it"

And Mom warns me of the consequences I may receive for my lunch choices, and reminds me of my PSAT the next morning.


What's a girl to do!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Embracing Oktoberfest and the Variable C

This week we welcomed half of the most spectacular non-blood-related extension of the Anderson clan from the delightful state of Oklahoma; however, this full extension goes by a very specific name, do not be befuddled, because non blood relatives esteem a whole other variety of peculiarities than those of our congruent anomalous genes.

But I doubt they'd like me spotlighting their quirks and whimsicality- moving right along!....

Aren't they absolutely darling?
Well, yes, of course, but..., what is this?

Why, that is- oh. Well. That's cute, I suppose. 

I can't necessarily explain what is happening here. Are they imitating something? A fish, perhaps? A duck? A moose? A giant squid? A prehistoric jungle creature? Myself?

Nevertheless, this is a glimpse into the mystical, mathematical equation that defines this phenomenon:

A + B = AB

Please hold on to your brain jelly, people- I do not mean to blow your minds with this genius sensation, it is simple, scientific fact here.

Andersons + Burgins = AnderBurgs

This formula can be manipulated by adding the variable C representing crazyfreakingawesomeness, but often times this is misinterpreted as representing the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, but you will know that the Pythagorean Theorem is a^2 + b^2 = c^2. I can see, however, how this could be confused with the AnderBurg Theorem:
A^4 + B^4 = C^infinity

...which constitutes all variables described above.

Alas! Math cannot even begin to express the crazyfreakingawesomeness that occurs when the two tribes converge!

There are stormtroopers!


Goulash, nudels, red cabbage!


And oh my lands, the people watching! (Think: little boy carrying a giant inflatable spiderman with only his skivvies on- backwards! Or the lady on stage wearing leather lederhosen--I apologize for no pictures, but imagine, imagine!)

This is a wonderful world we live in folks-- find some crazyfreakingawesome people and soak it up together!

Nutze den tag!

(Tune in two months from now for a Caribbean New Years with the AnderBurgs!)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

School Bus Epiphanies

Because after a long and tedious day at high school, where the girls are catty and the boys are just, well, boys, I'm on the bus and shielding my eyes from an ever bright sun, and as my favorite song comes on I tap my fingers, and I remember that I'm going home to an amazing family and a hot, scrumptious meal..... then nothing else truly matters, because, closing my eyes to bask in God's sunshine,
I'm so very happy. No one can take that away.