Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hello! Welcome! But wipe your feet, won't you?

It is my honor to introduce to you the Andersons, just another average *2-2-2 American family. Consider yourself an interim member as you're emerged in the ordinary and routine instances that occur within this collection of mainstream human beings.

Oh, wait.
Wrong family.

Despite my inability to find enough words that are the close equivalent of "eccentric", I believe that you (whomever you may be), can look past my drastically limited vocabulary and see for yourself just what I endure on a day-to-day basis with this most spectacular flock of oddballs.

And yes.
I admit that I, too, am a member of this gaggle, a fellow oddity.

And no.

I am not ashamed.

*2 kids, 2 cars, 2 dogs, or 2 of anything your heart desires. Anything but bathrooms. Unfortunately, only 1 bathroom in the Anderson home...

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